
Use the 'Choose File' button on the main PrettyScribe page to select a roster file for formatting. That's it. Print the resulting pages however you'd like.

Detailed Instructions

  1. Select roster file. Either a .ros or a .rosz file.
  2. View or print how ever you'd like.
  3. ????
  4. Win LVO.


PrettyScribe is a simple tool that takes army roster files created with BattleScribe and converts them to an easier to read layout suitable for printing or viewing on your device. PrettyScribe supports the rosters for these game systems:


Bugs, suggestions and enhancements can all be posted on the PrettyScribe GitHub website.

When making a bug request it is most helpful if you could upload and attach the roster file that exhibits the problem and with a brief description of the issue you are having.